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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Man + Tractor = Love

Well sez i, i thought i was the only one to fall for the mighty power and strenght of the lovely Case International, with her defined curves and sultry red body who couldn't stop to watch her pass by on a frosty morning, with the two head lamps poking out through the mist. Such a sight to behold, nothing would come close, not even the blessed Mary herself. Ya see The Case International is a steady strong brut of a lassie but when you get in side her and drop the hand below and insert your key, the pleasure is second to none, she takes of kinda rough but gets into her rhythm after you give her a few old pokes and slaps. I think she kinda likes the heavy and dirty terrain but shur what lassie doesn't sez i. She does like it when the auld rubber from the tires sinks deep into the dirt, go on sez i we'll not have the milking done at this rate ya auld hooer. As i give her more sally ya can smell the Daysal coming flying out of her pipes as she roars for attention. Go on sez i, you can do it ya big red tramp, thats a good lassie. She loves to please ya see and that's why it's only human nature that a lad would fall head over heals in love with the lovely Case International.

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