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Friday, March 25, 2011

Julie Delpy-A Walts for a Night (in Before Sunset)

A simply lovely song written about some lad getting his rocks on a one night stand covert op and the lady being broken hearted.delpy was born in paris, France as the only child of albert delpy, a theater director, and marie pillet, an actress in feature films and the avant-garde theater.
On the stages of Paris, Delpy's parents were involved in underground theater. At an early age, Julie was exposed to the arts. "I couldn't hope for better parents. They really raised me with a love of art, bringing me to museums and seeing things that a child wouldn't see at that age. I would see Ingmar Bergman movies when I was 9 and totally go for it. And they would bring me to see Francis Bacon's paintings, which I loved: so dark and at the same time it's so wonderful"
Encouraged to perform by her bohemian-minded parents, Delpy made her stage debut at the age of five.Oh and i think she must be or was pumping ethan hawke. thanks Madeline Thomas for the heads up on the lovely song, I too have been playing it on a loop.

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