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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Irish Starbucks

First of all I think that the Starbucks size names are feckin STUPID......


Wouldnt it be funny to have an Irish version of that.......

Wee (short)
Lanky (Tall)
Grand (Grande)
Vessel (Venti)

Starbucks Slave ... "what would you like sir"
Paddy.............. "Gimme the wee one, Sure I don't wanna be bustin for a piss all day do I"

Starbucks Slave... "How can I help you sir"
Paddy ............ "Gimme the lanky lookin one hey"

Starbucks Slave.. "how can I be of service"
Paddy ........... Gimme that one there, Jaysis that's a grand feckin size"

Starbucks Slave.. "what would you like sir"
Paddy............ "Ah Jaysis ya may gimme the Vessel there good lassie sure I was that full last night I got sick on meself and evertin"

1 comment:

  1. i can't believe i actually understand what you write!
