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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sasquatch Spotted In Ardee

While doing some research for a blog i was going to do about The Jumping Church i started to read some historical articles. It turns out that Paddys story about the army that are sleeping under the hill is actually true. Years ago the army came from a mountainous region in eastern Europe to explore the caves that run from The Priests Mount to the church. They sailed over to Ardee in a huge boat but nobody seemed to realize that they had an extra stowaway except for Paddy years later.
Paddy would head into the shops on his bike as usual for his daily turnip and sliced pan, but the local people seemed a little startled when he began to buy two turnips and two sliced pans and he had these weird hairs stuck on his clothes and nobody knew where they where coming from. You see they where really thick hairs that surly looked like they didn't belong from this world. The weeks went by and with each day he hit the shops the locals noticed he was in great form but yet these weird hairs were still stuck all over his clothes. Somebody had to get to the bottom of this and the locals got together and headed to Sgt Duignan to sort out the scandal.Ardees finest went on a mission to find out what was going on. They crept up threw the Crescent and headed across the fields to get a good vantage point so they could see in the window of Paddys house with the new binoculars. They hunkered down with a good flask of soup and an old blanket for the stakeout. Three hours later, all the soup gone and several fights over the binoculars they finally spotted something big but they could only see by the light of the tele. Suddenly they noticed the object move and the light came on outside and then the jaws dropped. Out walks the one and only Bigfoot and he started to take in the washing. They approached the beast and it turns out that he was really nice and spoke with a mad Ardee accent. Paddy found the beast stealing turnips and took pity on him and decided to name him Juicy.They now live together up the black road and enjoy watching Neighbours every day and eating turnip sandwiches. I found the picture in the Natural History Museum in Manhattan.

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