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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dirty Dominos Disgusting Deep Dish

Dominos Pizza is a pizza take out/delivery chain which is a staple of American diet across the nation. I have partaken in the Domino feast many times, but I think it will be no more.
These scumbags that work in the store have made total shite of the franchise, There slogan of a thirty minute delivery rarely pays off, as a forty five minute delivery plus usually is the case? I have often wondered what sort of beast makes the grub in these type of takeouts and dismissed the idea of a dirty knacker preparing my supposedly delicious deep dish. Now I'm sure that I will not be feasting on Dominos again. Thousands of people have stopped buying the food including myself and the store has been closed to sanitize and wash all the pubes down the drain, but I will not be taking the risk again that is for sure. A white trash girl took the video with her camera phone. She is equally as dirty as the guy, but they both claim it was a hoax and they where bored and had nothing else to do. I don't believe it. The two scum lords are now are in jail.
Personally I will not be buying Dominos Pizza no more.


  1. OMG Never eating Dominos again :( I'm gonna miss cheesy bread!

  2. Thankfully i was ahead of the game with domino,s as i always wiped me arse with the cash before the delivery. wiping always lasted 45mins to one hour. back to baby wipes for me i guess
    jack russell
